Welcome to the 2020 Campaign Button Challenge Gallery!
Update (Sept 21): The challenge has officially ended: we are all sold out! Together, we raised over $5,000 to Get Out The Vote. Thank you!
The donation link below is still active, and if you appreciate the artwork you see here, please consider kicking in a few dollars to Movement Voter Project. Thank you for supporting a fair vote!
Participating Artists:
Nanz Aalund, Poulsbo, WA | Nancy Bonnema, Seattle, WA | Virginia Causey, Seattle, WA | Anner Charrier, Seattle, WA | Shannon Conrad, Portland, OR | Helen Cowart, Bainbridge Island, WA | June Cream, Seattle, WA | Kathy Edens, Sammamish, WA | Peggy Foy, Seattle, WA | Nina Gibson, Anaheim, CA | Stacey Hansen, Jackson, MS | Sara Sally LaGrand, Lenexa, KS | Julia Lowther, Seattle, WA | Barbara Magaña, Bellevue WA | Helen Malchow, Ashford, CT | Wendy Wallin Malinow, Portland, OR | Thomas Mann, New Orleans, LA | Jane Martin, Bainbridge Island, WA | Courtney Jenson, Bellingham, WA | Mari Nelson and Misbah Rehman, Seattle WA | Andrea Ring, Kansas City, MO | Teresa Rodriguez, Clinton, WA | John and Corliss Rose, Tustin, CA | Jennifer Stenhouse, Seattle, WA | Yuko Tanaka, Seattle WA | Cynthia Toops, Seattle, WA | Tegan Wallace, Seattle WA | Vicki Zoumenou, Sammamish, WA
SOLD - Add Your Voice, by Mari Nelson and Misbah Rehman, Seattle WA
SOLD - Biden Mosaic, by Cynthia Toops and Dan Adams, Seattle WA
SOLD - Black Rhino, by Virginia Causey, Seattle WA
SOLD - Blue Wave, by Sara Sally LaGrand, Lenexa, KS
SOLD - Bomb Squad, by Nina Gibson, Anaheim, CA
SOLD - ClusterF*ck 2020, by Stacey Hansen, Jackson, MS
SOLD - Corona, by Helen Cowart, Bainbridge Island, WA
SOLD - Defund Reinvest, by Tegan Wallace, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Democracy Only Works If U VOTE, by Nanz Aalund, Poulsbo, WA
SOLD - Do It For RBG, by Peggy Foy, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Etched - Vote Your Life Depends On It, by Teresa Rodriguez, Clinton, WA
SOLD - Eye Vote, by Wendy Wallin Malinow, Portland, OR
SOLD - Fake News, by Helen Malchow, Ashford, CT
SOLD - I'm Fired, by Helen Malchow, Ashford, CT
SOLD - Flip The Senate, by Peggy Foy, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Forty Six, by Jane Martin, Bainbridge Island, WA
SOLD - Give People Light, by Tegan Wallace, Seattle, WA
SOLD - GoJoe, by Thomas Mann, New Orleans, LA
SOLD - Liberty, by John and Corliss Rose, Tustin, CA
SOLD - Mailbox (part 1: closed), by Nancy Bonnema, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Mailbox (part 2: open, revealing contents), by Nancy Bonnema, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Mini-Marcher (Affirmeeples), by Anner Charrier, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Muslim Votes Matter, by Peggy Foy, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Micro-Embroidery Vote, by Wendy Wallin Malinow, Portland, OR
SOLD - No Justice No Peace, by Shannon Conrad, Portland, OR
SOLD - Phoenix, by Andrea Ring, Kansas City, MO
SOLD - Power to the People, Yuko Tanaka, Seattle WA
SOLD - Snow Leopard, by Virginia Causey, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Squad Goals, by Peggy Foy, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Tender, by June Cream, Seattle, WA
SOLD - The Voting Machine, by Nancy Bonnema, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Unravelling, by Courtney Jenson, Bellingham, WA
SOLD - Vote (Crowd), by Vicki Zoumenou, Sammamish, WA
SOLD - Vote Your Life Depends On It, by Kathy Edens, Sammamish, WA
SOLD - Want Change? by Jennifer Stenhouse, Seattle, WA
SOLD - A Worthless One-Cent Coin ("enseñado el cobre"), by Barbara Magaña, Bellevue, WA
SOLD - Your Vote Is The Armor Of Democracy (part 1: exterior), by Julia Lowther, Seattle, WA
SOLD - Your Vote Is The Armor Of Democracy (part 2: interior), by Julia Lowther, Seattle, WA
About the Project: Studio jewelers across the country have teamed up with Movement Voter Project (MVP) to raise funds to Get Out The Vote in swing states. Using the format of a campaign button, each artist made their interpretation of current events. The art is offered both as a donation incentive, and to inspire hope and enthusiasm for voting. Please join us in empowering voters to exercise their rights, and encouraging all Americans to vote in this year’s election.
Donations of any amount are welcome and all contributions support a fair vote.